Daily Health

Health for Happiness

True Story: Sheila, 42, Melaka (Malaysia)


“ My son has no eye contact, no communication, and always being in his own world. I thought that my son was deaf. But, after I sent my son to the famous Chinese Master in Kuala Lumpur then I only knew that my son has Autism syndrome problem. The Chinese Master told me not to worry because he can help treating my son using acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine.

At first, I didn’t really believe that my autism son can be cured but after 1 ½ months undergoing Autism Neuro acupuncture treatment and taking the ‘Brain Powder’ herbs from Chinese Master, my son has shown positive changes. I was so impressed! He already can look into people eyes when we talk to him and also able to say a few words such as “mama”, “papa”, “yes” and so on. I was very thankful to God because I have found Chinese Master.

Now, my son is still undergoing the acupuncture treatment from Chinese Master and taking his herbal medicine (‘ Brain Powder’) every day because I want to see even more improvement on him. I want my son to be like other normal kids and far from all diseases. Thank you Master!”

autism kid cure

Sheila and her son.

You can visit the Chinese Master website at : http://www.thetole.org/

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