Daily Health

Health for Happiness

Simple Meditation Technique: Relieve Stress & Restore Calm


meditation technique to relieve stress

Breath Meditation


Relieve stress and create a sense of inner-calm by trying some basic meditation techniques.

There are lots of different types of meditation with different goals – however the central theme is the same. To take time to focus the mind and increase well-being.

Not only can meditation provide some relief from the stresses of everyday life, but it can be used to address medical conditions such as high blood pressure, anxiety and depression.

This exercise is as basic as meditation gets. But it’ll give you an insight into how taking some time out to calm the mind and to letting things go could help you take on the world.


Find a quiet spot

Find a spot where you will not be disturbed by people or technology.


Are you sitting comfortably?

Don’t be distracted by your clothes – where something loose and comfy.

You can do this exercise where you want. Sitting upright on a soft chair, on the floor. The key is to sit up right and be relaxed.



Close your eyes. Breathe deeply in though your nose and then return your breathing to a steady pace.


The aim

Is to focus your mind on your inner self. This isn’t a chance for you to make internal shopping lists or go over that meeting at work, be still. And focus only on being still.

Think about your breathing. And only your breathing. Focus on the air going in and out of your lungs.


Be still

Once you have slowed down and are concentrating only on breathing in and out, turn that attention inwards. You are just concentrating on being still. Don’t think of anything else.


Bring it back

The aim is to just focus on the calm in your mind – but if you find your thoughts drifting, return back to thinking about your breathing. Like anything, meditation takes practice and it will take a while before you can truly stop your mind going over your bank statements or dinner plans.


P/S: Try it for 15 minutes a day and see if what a difference it makes. 😎

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