Daily Health

Health for Happiness

June 5, 2018
by admin

Mineral water cures various types of diseases

Researchers find that drinking water is as good as getting out of bed every morning has benefits. The Japanese Medical Society is successful in proving certain cases. This practice is capable of recovering from serious diseases.

However, mineral water may not be enough to fix a mineral deficiency or to replace other nutrient-rich foods. Also, the mineral content varies from brand to brand, so choose carefully.

Here are the top eight health benefits of drinking mineral water :

  1. Lose weight – Good news for women who are dieting. Mineral water contains no calories, sugars or fats and this can reduce our weight.
  2. Improve fertility – Mineral water can produce testosterone hormones in men as well as estrogen hormones in women.
  3. Released the digestive system – Drinking water in quantities of eight glasses every day will launch the digestive system. It can prevent from getting constipated but also burning calories will run efficiently.
  4. Slows down the process of growth of the substance that causes cancer – Mineral water not only slows the growth of cancer-causing substances but also helps prevent liver and kidney disease.
  5. Beauty care – Lack of mineral water extraction causes the body to have difficulty absorbing water, thus causing dry and wrinkled skin.
  6. The body is fresh and healthy – The benefits of mineral water are not just to cleanse the body but also as the body’s indispensable substance. We may survive if we do not eat for a few days but it is impossible to survive if we do not drink water. This is because water is the largest part in human body composition.
  7. Healthy heart -Mineral water is also believed to cure heart disease. Even at this time there are also many alternative medicines that utilize the use of mineral water.
  8. Treatment for stroke – Mineral water is not only used for treating various skin diseases, but is very effective for treating paralysis. This is because water can help reinforce muscles and ligaments as well as promote circulatory system and respiratory system.

Mineral water cures

July 24, 2017
by admin

Fertility Acupuncture

fertilityIf you been trying to conceive and just aren’t getting pregnant. You might be potentially having a fertility problems, which also known as infertility. Okay, to understand this, first we need to know, how pregnancy can occur. The woman Ovulation is the end of a complicated series of events leading to the release of an egg from the ovary.

If that egg is fertilized by a sperm and implants in the lining of the womb (endometrium), a pregnancy has started.


Fertilization only happens if intercourse takes place almost around the time of ovulation. Ovulation only takes place once in every menstrual cycle, which means that there are only a few days each month when a woman can fall pregnant. However, intercourse and ovulation don’t need to be at exactly the same time as healthy sperm can survive for about 48 to 72 hours inside a woman’s body and a woman’s egg lives for about 12 to 24 hours after ovulation.

Steps to Improve Fertility

Through nutrition

Increase the intake of foods that can increase fertility. Such as foods that contains folic acid. Folic acid is indispensable for our body to carry out ovulation. Among the examples of food are asparagus, spinach, corn, green beans and fruits such as papaya, oranges and avocados.

In addition, foods rich in iron and vitamin E are also important to increase fertility. Iron can provide quality in egg cells. While vitamin E is used to maintain the quality of egg cells. Spinach, peanuts and potatoes are examples of iron-rich foods. Examples of foods rich in vitamin E are mustard, red peppers and sunflower seeds.

Get a quality break

Quality rests give a good impression on one’s health and stress. Stress is also actually one of the reasons why women are difficult to get pregnant. So by getting quality and adequate rest and avoiding stress, you can reduce the risk of experiencing fertility problems.

Conduct regular activities on a regular basis

Studies show that active women have higher potential for pregnancy than those with less activity.

Get an acupuncture treatment

There are many treatment that can help you regarding your fertility problems. One of the best ways is by doing an acupuncture treatment from Thetole. They got a lot of experience to treat many disease by using an acupuncture treatment. Apart from acupuncture treatment, they will also prescribe you with herbal medicine.

Their herbal medicine are also special because they will prepare it according to your own personal body condition. Like we all know, not everyone have the same type of body conditions even they have the same problem.

To read more regarding the fertility or infertility, you can visit Infertility Fertility Alternative Treatment or their main page Thetole.org to read about other disease.






December 8, 2016
by admin

9 Tops Chia Seed Benefits

Chia seed is believed to have several health benefits, one of which is to assist in weight loss. This small form will expand after a while immersed in water. And will be expanding again after the chia seed is in the stomach, because that chia seed can make people who eat them can feel full longer, and there are believed to help in weight loss. Chia seed itself actually contains omega-3 fatty acids are very good and the body needs to lower triglycerides.

Chia Seed Health Benefits

1. Can Fight Diabetes

Chia seed has been reviewed by medical experts, it has become one of the natural treatments are very promising for patients with diabetes second stage, due to its ability to slow digestion. Chia seed layer that is formed when exposed to liquids may also prevent spikes in blood sugar.

2. Contains a Lot of Fiber

With only took 28 grams or one ounce single serving of chia seed, it has 11 grams of dietary fiber, such as about one-third of daily fiber intake has been recommended for adults. Adding some menu chia seeds in your daily diet is one easy way to make sure you’ve a good amount of fiber. Which is especially important for the digestive system.

3. Maintain the Gums and Bone Strength

A serving of chia seed in your diet daily menu has 18 percent of the recommended daily intake for calcium, which is where it serves to maintain the health of teeth, bones and can prevent osteoporosis.

4. Have Manganese

Manganese is not well-known mineral nutrients, but it is very important for human health. Manganese is good for the bones and can help the body to use other nutrients such as biotin and thiamin. Taking one serving of chia seed (28 grams) contains 30 percent as had been recommended for this mineral.

5. Rich Protein

Chia seed also is a source of protein for vegetarians and it has no cholesterol. In a 28 grams serving of chia seeds have taken is 4.4 grams of protein. Chia seeds really are an excellent protein source, especially for people who eat little or no animal products.

6. Can Stabilize Blood Sugar

Chia seed grain intake is also very effective to stabilize blood sugar can be against us besides the resistance to insulin, which has been tied up in an increase in abdominal fat (belly fat). This type of resistance which is very dangerous for our health as a whole.

7. Easy to Incorporate into Diet

Tryptophan is an amino acid found in turkey. It is also found in chia seed. Although tryptophan will give the impression of sleepiness after a meal, but it also has the potential to help control your appetite (easy to feel full), providing a comfortable sleep and help improve your mood throughout the day.

8. Can Improve Heart Health

The study of the Cleveland Clinic also states that the chia seed has indeed proven to increase blood pressure for diabetics. It also can increase cholesterol healthy for the body and at the same time can reduce total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides.

9. Full and Rich in Omega-3

Chia seeds are full and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with nearly 5 grams per serving one ounce. Fat is essential for the health of your brain.
