Daily Health

Health for Happiness

My Fitness Grocery List


I remember the first time I went on a diet, I ended up buying items from the supermarket that were fat-free, with the assumption that these kinds of food were what diets were all about. But, they’re not. Fat is actually key for long-term energy, satiety (that’s the feeling of fullness you get after you’ve eaten) and enjoying the food you eat.

The key to a healthy diet is not to restrict fat intake completely. This only leaves you feeling unsatisfied, frustrated by the fat-free food you’ve eaten and hardly full. As a results, you end up eating more to compensate!

What you actually have to do is limit useless fats and aim to get just enough fat into your diet to keep it on the right side of good. So, here’s my list of healthy things that I feel every shopping basket should have. And remember, the key to kicking the bad snacking habit to the curb is to simply not have any junk lying around. 😀


Romaine Lettuce

Romaine-lettuce The dark green romaine leaves are filled with vitamin K which is essential for keeping bones strong. It also provides folate, a B Vitamin needed to prevent a type of anemia that saps your energy.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes These (and other potatoes) are 90% starch and completely digested in about 20 minutes in your stomach. It makes you feel less hungry, therefore signaling your body that it doesn’t need to store a lot of fat as sustenance, and because of its rapid carb absorption, potassium and carotenoids (which help prevent cell damage), is a great pre-workout snack.



berries Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry – they’re all good for you. Packed full of antioxidants and vitamins that prevent cell damage, they’re also a good pain reliever after a particularly grueling workout and bursting with water to keep you hydrated.



kiwis It’s got more vitamin C than oranges, a crucial component for burning fat during exercise as it is involved in the production of carnitine, a compound that’s vital to fat oxidation. Two kiwis are only 100 calories, yet provides more potassium than a banana and are one of the best food sources for highly bio-available iron.



grilled-Chicken An excellent low fat source of high quality protein, it pumps your body with a number of vitamins and minerals to peak energy levels. However, always pick the chicken breast over other parts of poultry as this is where most of the healthy lean meat is.



Yogurt Not only does it contain milk protein, but its calcium content is stellar, and calcium is just what us ladies need to maintain a slim physique. Low calcium is known signal the body that it needs more fat, therefore inhibiting the breakdown of fat. Calcium is key for strong bones and milk calcium is the best known source of absorbed calcium.  Additionally,because of all the good bacteria – probiotics, it’s also great for our digestive system.


95% Ground Lean Beef

ground-lean-beef A great alternative to chicken beef plies your body with high quality protein, providing it with the amino acids required to maintain and build muscle. Diets high in protein have better weight control management while shedding fat, provided of course, that you couple this diet with exercise.



Eggs Another protein pal, they’re filling, essential for fat burning and there’s less tendency for you to overeat at breakfast if you have this with your meal. But, there’s also a considerable fat and cholesterol content in eggs, so moderation must always be practiced with consumption.



Milk Like yogurt, milk is an excellent source of protein and calcium, with an additional boost of vitamin D, which is important for muscle growth and strength.



Oatmeal This is my essential food in the morning. Rich in fiber and it fills you up for a good few hours till lunch. Oatmeal is rich in mineral manganese (necessary for making strong bones) and iron (important for making red blood cells that carry oxygen to your muscles).


P/S: You can always visit this Health Care Expert website to find more health information. Good Luck! 😎

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