Daily Health

Health for Happiness

Exercises to Do in a Pool


exercise in a pool


Exercises to do in a pool (that aren’t swimming).

Turn going to the swimming pool into a full body workout with these simple toning exercises. The resistance of the water pushes the muscles to work harder, and increases the cardio intensity without putting as much strain on your joints.

It’s a great way to burn fat and is basically much more fun than going to the gym!

1. The propelled V
Sit back into the water and tread with your hands by your sides. Lift both legs up from the hips, so your body is folded into a v with your toes just peering out of the water.

Now moving your hands in small circles, propel yourself forward down the pool for 30 seconds. This will work out your arms, hips and abs.

2. The tidal wave
Not ideal for busy times in the pool – this splashing exercise will tone your bum and legs.

At the edge of the pool, hold on with one hand and use the other one flat against the wall of the pool underwater – fingers pointing towards the floor.

Extend your legs behind you, keeping your legs and feet together, kick in a wave pattern. Start in your abs and hips then roll down to your feet. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds, building up to 60 seconds with practice.

3. I’m Spiderman
Defy gravity and climb the pool wall. Stabilize your upper body with your hands in the water and then run your legs up the side of the pool and back to the floor again. Do this five times.


exercise in a pool

P/S: More tips? Go here: http://www.thetole.org/

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