Daily Health

Health for Happiness

Benefits of Yogurt


delicious healthy yogurt

10 Reasons Why Yogurt is a Top Healthy Food

1. Yogurt is easier to digest than milk. 

2. Yogurt contributes to colon health. 

3. Yogurt improves the bio-availability of other nutrients. 

4. Yogurt can boost immunity. 
NUTRI-TIP: Yogurt – Good for Young and Old
Yogurt is a valuable health food for both infants and elderly persons. For children, it is a balanced source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals in a texture that kids love. For senior citizens, who usually have more sensitive colons or whose intestines have run out of lactase, yogurt is also a valuable food. Elderly intestines showed declining levels of bifidus bacteria, which allow the growth of toxin-producing and, perhaps, cancer-causing bacteria.

5. Yogurt aids healing after intestinal infections. 
NUTRI-TIP: A Chaser for Antibiotics
Antibiotics kill not only harmful bacteria; they also kill the healthy ones in the intestines. The live bacterial cultures in yogurt can help replenish the intestines with helpful bacteria before the harmful ones take over. I usually “prescribe” a daily dose of yogurt while a person is taking antibiotics and for two weeks thereafter.

6. Yogurt can decrease yeast infections. 

7. Yogurt is a rich source of calcium. 

8. Yogurt is an excellent source of protein. 

9. Yogurt can lower cholesterol. 

10. Yogurt is a “grow food.”

healthy herbs yogurt

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